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Wednesday, 13 March 2013


If you find yourself locked out of work for security reasons because Prince Andrew has decided to pay a visit and you haven't had breakfast, head to Allpress.

I've heard lots of people swear they do the best coffee in London. Perhaps that's because they have a direct relationship with all their farmers and millers and they work with them to get the best possible taste. Then the beans are roasted daily in their cafe on Redchurch st.

Redchurch Latte

I ordered a 'Redchurch' latte, coined after it's Shoreditch location. You can tell this place takes coffee seriously. Look at the love that went into making that heart in my froth.

Granola with apple yoghurt £4.50

I also tried the granola with apple yoghurt whose simple description did not do this breakfast justice. The apple had been stewed in cinnamon along with some bright pink seasonal rhubarb and then more finely chopped green apple was mixed in with the Greek yoghurt. Other offerings include date toast ricotta and fruit and interesting sandwich combinations.

I took a seat up at the bar and started writing this review immediately. Allpress seems to have that inspiring affect. I had a little nosey around and everyone was busy doing something... reading books, doodling in a sketch books etc.

My salami, artichoke and mint sandwich

I like it so much, that I went back for lunch and had a salami, artichoke, chili and mint sandwich on some great bread. This photo is not doing it any justice because it looked so good that I wolfed half of it down before taking this snap!


To be continued...

Everyone seems to be talking about coffee these days. My best Scottish pal, Lisa has just got back from living in Melbourne for a year and she has returned with a new appreciation for coffee. She even sent me a a bag of beans that arrived 3 months later, which were indeed very good. She has given me strict orders to try out the Workhouse in Clerkenwell, who's sister cafe is in Melbourne, which I'm going to try and get to soon. Stay tuned...

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